Nutrition for Swimmers, from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Nutrition Basics
The week before a swim meet
We no longer promote carbohydrate-loading the night before as this can be upsetting to the digestive system.
Instead, eat quality carbohydrates at each meal throughout the week to create glycogen storage for use when needed on race day.
A day or two before race day, pay close attention to your meals. Focus on meals that:
The morning of the meet
Morning of the Meet
Don't rely on this meal to provide all the energy you need for the day.
Glycogen storage in muscles from the week prior is what you will use today.
The first meal of the day is needed to get your metabolism going for the entire day-don't skip it.
Ideally, you should eat your first meal two to four hours before your first race (not warm-up time).
If too much food is in your stomach during the race, your body is still focusing on digestion, causing an upset stomach.
Your first meal should be between 500 and 1,000 calories.
During the meet
The primary importance during the meet is hydration but you don't just have to drink water. Try four to six ounces of a sports drink or decaffeinated unsweet tea with fruit juice in it.
Don't rely on concession stands or vending machines for food. You shouldn't try new things on race day.
Prepare and pack your bag the night before.
Examples of snacks for short time between races:
Examples of snacks for longer time between heats-try something more substantial:
Other snack food ideas:
Recovery nutrition
What you eat after a race is also important and requires planning. The better your recovery nutrition, the better your overall training will be, which is wnat makes you a stronger, fitter and faster swimmer.
A snack should be consumed within 30 minutes of completing competition followed by a good meal within two hours.
The snack should contain 15 to 20 grams of protein with 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates
Examples for post-competition snack:
After you have your post-recovery snack, you will want to refuel with a hearty meal.
Make sure you're continuing to hydrate between sessions with both water and sports drinks. Avoid heavy creams and unnatural fats.
Examples for post-competition meal:
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