Holiday Schedule: December 23rd-January 2nd.
Please review and print the modified practice schedules for your site:
Warner Robins ONLY: High school county meet, January 9th
Due to the high school meet being held at the Tommy Stalnaker Aquatic Center, there will be no practices in Warner Robins on Thursday, January 9th. T/Th Bronze and Aquanauts can swim a make up practice on either Monday (Jan 6th) or Wednesday (Jan 8th). Gold, Varsity, Teal and Black will be contacted with details for a combined-site practice in Macon.
ABSC New Year's Kickoff: January 10th-12th (Registration deadline: January 2nd)
POSTPONED: This meet is now scheduled for January 17-19 (Registration deadline: January 10th)
Athens, GA. Open to all USA-S registered Bronze, Silver, Intermediate & Advanced Homeschool, Varsity, Gold, Teal and Black swimmers who have previously attended a meet.
FST Mentor Meet: January 17th (Registration deadline: January 15th)
Warner Robins, GA. Open to all FST swimmers, including Aquanauts. Gold, Teal & Black swimmers are encouraged to attend as mentors/timers/cheerleaders.
Warner Robins ONLY: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20th
The Aquatic Center will be closed and there will be no practices in Warner Robins on Monday, January 20th. M/W Bronze and Aquanauts can swim a make up practice on either Tuesday (Jan 21st)
or Thursday (Jan 23rd). Silver, JV, Gold, Varsity, Teal and Black will be contacted with details for an alternate practice in Macon.
The January Meet: January 26th (Registration deadline: January 16th)
Warner Robins, GA. Open to all FST members who are registered with USA Swimming.
Famous Last Words: January 31st-February 2nd (Registration deadline: January 17th)
Cumming, GA. Open to all Varsity, Adv HS, Gold, Teal, and Black swimmers, as well as 12&U Silver and Int HS, and 8&U Bronze swimmers who have previously attended a USA-S meet. This meet requires USA Swimming registration
All meets, both away and at our home pools require USA registration, except those meets labeled "Home Meet" and "Mentor Meet." Prior to attending your first non-scrimmage meet, you must register online with USA Swimming. There are 3 athlete registration options:
We have not yet finished this Short Course season, so there is still time to achieve goals. The New Year is also a great time to reflect on the previous year, and refine or set new goals.
At this point in the season, we are continuing to focus on:
Read more about the training cycles at this link.
Click here for a full-season
tentative schedule.
Peach State Champs (14&U)
Warner Robins
February 15-16
Age Group State Championship (11-14)
February 21-23
Want to get more involved in the sport? Become a USA Swimming official. Our team needs as many officials as possible to run successful meets!
Start the process at this link, or email Amanda for more details and help getting started.
Parents: Do you love swimming and wish you could train and compete with a team? Our Masters team in Warner Robins is growing, and looking to add new team members!
Email for more details.
PO Box 8048, Warner Robins, GA, 31088, United States
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